Take TIme to notice your breath

This one is as simple as it sounds & great for stress reduction & grounding into the present moment.

For as short as a few breaths or a 1-3 minute timer, blink your eyes closed & simply turn your attention to you breath. Maybe you consider one single aspect to land on like the rise & fall of your chest or maybe you allow your soft focus to shift to different sensations & perspectives as they arise. There’s no wrong way to do it. Just continue to experience your breath for the predetermined length.

Maitri for 2020

Weird times to be living in.. Global pandemic highlighting inequality + police brutality spotlighting systemic racism with our division only deepening through “us vs them” mentality.

Y’all: we’re all humans, we are all WE!

& while it’s overwhelming for me to consider how I can be of service in an actually impactful way, my truth is that it starts with ME. It begins with individuals, coming home to our inextricable connection with ALL living beings.

So my humble offering is the version of the Maitri, or loving kindness, meditation I practice, especially in times of disconnection:

Begin in a comfortable shape, ideally with the space of your physical heart expansive & at ease. As you say these mantras, see & feel them as if they are already true in this moment.

May I be safe.

May I be happy.

May I be healthy.

May I know peace.

Pause here for a few breaths to be with the immediate impact of these statements.

Bring to mind someone who is easy to love. Imagining this lovable person offer these words to them:

May (this person) be safe.

May (this person) be happy.

May (this person) be healthy.

May (this person) know peace.

Pause for a few breaths to experience the loving-kindness you've cultivated.

Now, share with someone who you'd consider neutral. Maybe a neighbor you see, but don't know the name of or the Amazon delivery dude or your grocery cashier. Conjuring up the image of this person offer loving-kindness to them:

May this person be safe.

May this person be happy.

May this person be healthy.

May this person know peace.

Pause to feel the flow of energy. Prepare to offer this same sweetness to someone who is harder for you to love, maybe even someone you're currently in conflict with or who holds opposing views as you. With the same sincerity, share with them:

May this person be safe.

May this person be happy.

May this person be healthy.

May this person know peace.

What's your felt sense now? I wrap up by once more returning to myself, filling my cup so there’s more I can give:

May I be safe.

May I be happy.

May I be healthy.

May I know peace.

Take time, wether it’s 10 breaths or 10 minutes, to simply be with the effects of this practice & to allow for integration.

Take care, friends. We're truly all in this together, wether we choose to believe it or not.